University of California, Riverside’s Office of Technology Partnerships has formed a long-term collaboration with Know Hub Chile, an association of eight universities and three research centers funded by the Chilean government, to leverage each other’s expertise and fast-track technology commercialization and transfer.
UCR and Know Hub Chile, which aims to accelerate economic and social development, will collaborate in several areas, including entrepreneurial education, evaluation of portfolio technologies, startup residency at UCR, and academic research.
“We strongly believe our partnership with UCR will elevate a culture of entrepreneurship in the national universities and research centers that are part of Know Hub Chile. The entrepreneurship program provides an integrated approach to the commercialization of technologies in early stages,” said Fernando Venegas, legal and intellectual property manager of Know Hub Chile. “UCR has a lot of experience in commercialization of technologies related to the agricultural sector, which is a strategic area for our members.”
Know Hub Chile said it partnered with UCR due to the university’s successful track record of commercialization, technology transfer, and demonstrated investment in innovation and entrepreneurship. With UCR’s support, Know Hub Chile plans to increase the competitiveness, diversification, and productivity of the Chilean economy, which will in turn accelerate the commercialization of technologies in global markets.
“We hope this venture can be mirrored and replicated in other regions around the world. We want to help universities and emerging technology companies serve as business development hubs for their areas of expertise, especially in agriculture,” said Associate Vice Chancellor Rosibel Ochoa, who oversees technology partnerships in the Office of Research and Economic Development. “We plan to do this by supporting the innovation ecosystems that empower the work that these organizations do.”
Ochoa’s team works to increase UCR’s momentum in research advancement and the commercialization of faculty and student discoveries. Her office has met with other countries interested in developing entrepreneurship ecosystems that see UCR as a pioneer in the field.
“Being part of the University of California system, we are recognized internationally and held in high esteem,” Ochoa said. “We are well known for being one of the most diverse research universities in the nation with Hispanic and Latino students making up 37.7 percent of our population. We are excited to begin this partnership and connect our campus with Latin America’s fifth-largest economy,” Ochoa said.