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UCR study finds freer, democratic societies compel more women to pursue careers
Officials at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), the University of Michigan, and several industry partners launch of the Hydrogen Engine Alliance of North America (H2EA-NA) to promote hydrogen as a viable alternative fuel.
UCR experts discuss the connection to the bird flu outbreak and what to expect
Setting the right price for goods or services is essential for just about any business. Prices that are too low can reduce profits. Prices that are too high can drive away customers and lead to losses. Artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning models can help businesses find the elusive sweet spot...
Corporations that partner with auditors who specialize in the company’s industry reap cost savings and get a better picture of their finances, while auditors who “low-ball” their fees to compensate for a lack of experience by hiking their fees in subsequent years and produce lower-quality audits, a new study has...
Computer processing demands for artificial intelligence, or AI, are spurring increasing levels of deadly air pollution from power plants and backup diesel generators that continuously supply electricity to the fast-growing number of computer processing centers. This air pollution, a new UCR and Caltech study estimates, is expected to result in...
Deciding when to bring a hog to market has never been an easy task. To maximize profits, farmers must gauge changing animal weights, pork prices, feed costs, and pen space, while also keeping an inventory of ready-for-market pigs to meet long-term contractual obligations with meat processors. With so many variables...
Regulations imposed to protect the environment may continue to have impacts even after they are repealed. And those lingering impacts include some that run contrary to the goals of the policies.
The more men are concerned about appearing masculine, the less likely they will forgive a co-worker for a transgression such as missing an important meeting, a study led by UCR business professor Michael Haselhuhn has found. What’s more, such men are also more likely seek revenge or avoid the transgressor...
UC Riverside’s School of Business opened its new building in late September, launching a new era at a state-of-the-art facility with increased space to meet fast-growing enrollment. The four-story, 63,400-square-foot building was already bustling with activity, with students filling its auditorium, classrooms, and the lounge area near its café following...
UC Riverside is leading the Inland SoCal Accelerate Hub, which connects local startup companies with the resources they need to be successful.
California should take urgent and bold measures to adapt its $59 billion agriculture sector to climate change as the amount of water available for crops declines, according to a collaborative report by University of California faculty from four campuses. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the...
Unchecked carbon emissions will force tropical rains to shift northward in the coming decades, which would profoundly impact agriculture and economies near the Earth's equator, a new UCR study predicts.
In a groundbreaking paper published in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, a UC Riverside marketing professor articulates the appeal of inflicting mild misfortune on others, such as tossing pies into faces, for the purpose of charitable fundraising.
A study co-authored by a UCR marketing professor found that group incentives for store sales staff resulted in better performances for retail outlets offering weaker brand lines of products.
The UC Riverside School of Business increased 20 positions in a U.S. News & World Report 2024 graduate school ranking released this week. UCR’s business school was the benefactor of a methodology change this year that places greater emphasis on post-graduation earnings and how quickly graduates found jobs. The School...
A new UCR laboratory will be formed by merging the existing Nanofabrication Facility with the Central Facility for Advanced Microscopy and Microanalysis, or CFAMM, and bringing in about $3 million for new equipment.
Challenging performance goals for employees work well when the marketplace is stable, but moderate goals are more effective when workers need to adapt to turbulent times, UCR business school study finds.
A UCR-led study finds that online consumers view sponsored product listings with suspicion when they shop on major platforms, such as Amazon and eBay. Shoppers often prefer to click on what are called “organic” listings that appear high in their product search results but are not sponsored.
UC Riverside public policy scholars are bringing clarity to a fraught debate over how to use Colorado River water as flows decline with climate change. They have created a hydro-economic model that can illuminate the future impacts of major water use changes by answering prompts and clicking a mouse.