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Huanglongbing/citrus greening
Jim Adaskaveg: Professor of plant pathology. Disease of tree crops grown in California; biology; epidemiology; ecology of plant pathogenic fungi; mycology; ultra-structure of host-pathogen relationships; biology of wood decay fungi; biological and molecular techniques for the detection and identification of pathogens.
Hailing Jin: Professor & Cy Mouradick Endowed Chair in the Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology; director of the Genetics, Genomics and Bioinformatics Graduate Program. Stopping the spread of HLB; generating HLB-resistant/tolerant citruses by boosting citrus immune systems; killing and inhibiting the bacterium that causes HLB.
Tracy Kahn: Curator of UCR’s Citrus Variety Collection. Research evaluating the commercial potential of new citrus varieties; the citrus industry.
Wenbo Ma: Professor of plant pathology. HLB at the molecular level; understanding how HLB occurs; molecular markers that can be used for HLB detection.
Peggy Mauk: Director of Agricultural Operations, College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences. Abiotic or biotic stresses to subtropical fruit crops, such as avocado, citrus, dates and mangos.
Philippe Rolshausen: Cooperative Extension specialist. Citrus microbiome and citrus undercover production systems (CUPS). Growing citrus trees under a sealed protective screen to exclude the insects that transmit the bacteria causing citrus huanglongbing.
Mikeal Roose: Professor of genetics. Developing citrus varieties with resistance or tolerance to the disease. Identifying the genes responsible for resistance.
Caroline Roper: Assistant professor and assistant plant pathologist. The citrus microbiome plays in tree health; discovering natural microbial products that can be used as antimicrobials to combat HLB.
Georgios Vidalakis: Professor & UC Extension specialist in plant pathology; director of the Citrus Clonal Protection Program. Preventing the spread of HLB and other exotic citrus diseases in California. Disease-resistant citrus.