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Experts on Chemicals
David Eastmond, professor emeritus of cell biology and toxicology
Eastmond’s expertise comes from years of research and teaching. He has participated on a variety of expert panels related to chemical mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and risk assessment for the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Food and Drug Administration, and currently serves as a member of the Carcinogen Identification Committee for the California EPA as well as the Committee to Develop Guidance on Evaluating the Genotoxicity of Compounds in Food for Human Health Risk Assessment for the WHO. He can speak to the mechanisms of toxicity and carcinogenesis of agricultural and environmental chemicals in humans and other mammals.
Contact: david.eastmond@ucr.edu
Carl Cranor, distinguished professor of philosophy
Professor Cranor’s research focuses on the morality, legality, and justice of exposure to toxic molecules that could threaten the public’s health. He can speak to the use of scientific evidence in legal decisions and the just treatment of citizens in U.S. chemical policies, as well as the regulation of carcinogens and developmental toxicants.Cranor has served on multiple science advisory panels including California’s Proposition 65, Electric and Magnetic Fields, Nanotechnology, and Biomonitoring Panels, as well as on Institute of Medicine and National Academy of Sciences Committees.
Contact: carl.cranor@ucr.edu
Daniel Schlenk, professor of aquatic ecotoxicology and environmental toxicology
Professor Schlenk has expertise in the biochemical factors that influence susceptibility and natural chemicals, along with the effects of pharmaceutical and emerging contaminants on fish and wildlife. His work explores the impacts of climate change on contaminant toxicity and the mechanisms of oil toxicity to larval fish. Schlenk has been a recipient of the Ray Lankester Investigator-ship of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom; a visiting Scholar of the Instituto Del Mare, Venice Italy; a visiting Scholar in the Department of Biochemistry, Chinese University of Hong Kong; a Visiting Scientist at the CSIRO Lucas Heights Laboratory, in Sydney Australia, a Distinguished Fellow of the State Key Laboratory for Marine Environmental Science of Xiamen University, China, Outstanding Foreign Scientist at Sungkyunkwan University in Korea, and the Thousand Talent Program at Zhejiang University in China.
Contact: daniel.schlenk@ucr.edu
David Volz, professor of environmental toxicology
Professor Volz has expertise in developmental toxicology and alternatives to regulatory toxicity testing. He can speak to human exposure and health effects of vehicle-derived chemicals within commuter populations, as well as mechanisms of chemically-induced toxicity within human cells Volz can also speak to chemical policy and regulation.
Contact: david.volz@ucr.edu
Yinsheng Wang, distinguished professor of chemistry
Professor Wang’s research involves the use of mass spectrometry, along with synthetic organic chemistry and molecular biology, for the investigation of the occurrence and biological consequences of DNA damage, as well as the identification and functional characterizations of nucleotides and nucleic acids.
Contact: yinsheng.wang@ucr.edu