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Imagine an Earth-sized planet that’s not at all Earth-like. Half this world is locked in permanent daytime, the other half in permanent night, and it’s carpeted with active volcanoes. Astronomers have discovered that planet. The planet, named LP 791-18d, orbits a small red dwarf star about 90 light years away...
Much ado about the debt ceiling the past couple months. As the issue plays on (and on and on) in the news cycle, a reset is in order. Let's get to the nuts and bolts of an issue that — believe it or don't — can be understood even by...
For the first time ever, the University of California, Riverside’s class of 2023 will commence at one of two locations. Graduates will either walk across an on-campus stage at the Student Recreation Center or an off-campus stage at Toyota Arena. The latter was announced during the fall in response to...