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He is a UC Riverside icon, beloved even, and yet discouraged from attending official university events. Before his refresh, at least, he had the appearance of having been through it. Sun-bleached, sort of grubby, like he was on the losing side of a fight at the juice bar. He is...
RIVERSIDE, Calif. - The first bite of a tangy orange; a field of fragrant wildflowers; the sweet aroma of roasted hazelnuts. The natural world is filled with tastes and smells that delight our senses and calm our frayed nerves. If only we could package them up and take them home...
The University of California, Riverside announced today a $3.5 million donation from Givaudan to support UCR’s Citrus Variety Collection. The gift will help protect one of world’s most extensive citrus diversity collections from the impending threat of citrus greening disease, also known as Huanglongbing, or HLB. The gift will pay...