Black Friday, holiday season shopping impacts
For fast access to experts, email news@ucr.eduSubramanian “Bala” Balachander, professor of business
Balachander’s research studies include competitive marketing strategy, pricing, bundling, sales promotions and market signaling, and uses methods of game theory and structural econometric models. His teaching interests are in pricing, marketing strategy and marketing models. Balachander serves on the editorial board of the journal Marketing Science and is a senior editor of Production and Operations Management.
Contact: subramanian.balachander@ucr.edu
Ellen Reese, professor of sociology
Professor of sociology and chair of labor studies at UCR, Reese’s research focuses on gender, race, and class, welfare state development, social movements, poverty, and work. She has published extensively on warehouse and labor economies within the Inland Empire and Southern California. Reese is the co-author (with Juliann Emmons Allison) of “Unsustainable: Amazon, Warehousing, and the Politics of Exploitation” (forthcoming [2023], University of California Press).
Contact: ellen.reese@ucr.edu
Cathy Gudis, associate professor of history
Gudis is an associate professor of history at UCR, with her research focused on the history of Southern California and its people. She is expert in the labor, social and cultural impacts stemming from the rise of warehousing in inland Southern California, including the large-scale fulfillment centers operated by Amazon. Gudis is also a historian-in-residence at Los Angeles Poverty Department’s Skid Row History Museum & Archives, where she has helped enhance archival and public humanities projects and funding.
Contact: catherine.gudis@ucr.edu