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Setting the right price for goods or services is essential for just about any business. Prices that are too low can reduce profits. Prices that are too high can drive away customers and lead to losses. Artificial intelligence (AI) deep learning models can help businesses find the elusive sweet spot...
Deciding when to bring a hog to market has never been an easy task. To maximize profits, farmers must gauge changing animal weights, pork prices, feed costs, and pen space, while also keeping an inventory of ready-for-market pigs to meet long-term contractual obligations with meat processors. With so many variables...
Over five years in the making, the “ Digital Capture: Southern California and the Pixel-Based Image World” exhibition at UCR Arts California Museum of Photography, or CMP, is part of the Getty Foundation’s massive art event, PST Art (previously known as Pacific Standard Time). PST is a five-month long event...
UC Riverside professor Shaolei Ren remotely shared his research findings about the the environmental consequences of increasing AI processing demands to a United Nations committee meeting in Nairobi, Kenya.
UC Riverside computer scientists have identified a security flaw in vision language artificial intelligence (AI) models that can allow bad actors to use AI for nefarious purposes, such as obtaining instructions on how to make bomb. When integrated with models like Google Bard and Chat GPT, vision language models allow...
As you enter “ Every Day We Must Make the Reality of This World: AI Post Photography,” you step from a darkened, industrial space into a bright white room that curves around to an exit. It’s like stepping into the Discovery One spaceship in Stanley Kubrick’s “2001: A Space Odyssey.”...
A study led by University of California, Riverside, computer scientists found that queries for medical information on ChatGPT produced more objective information than Google, but the ChatGPT results can be outdated and lack the sources of its information.