Virtual village can empower vulnerable groups of people
UC Riverside-led study focused on older people living with HIV during the pandemic

A shot in the arm
UC Riverside experts answer questions on Americans needing just one COVID-19 booster vaccine each year

Monkeypox explained
UC Riverside experts discuss disease symptoms, vaccines, and anxiety management

Is it time to wear a highly efficient medical grade facemask?
UC Riverside experts weigh in

O my, here’s Omicron
UC Riverside experts share their thoughts on the new COVID-19 variant

Deafness trumps HIV for deaf people living with HIV
UC Riverside-led study participants advocate for collection of more data on deaf individuals

How concerned should we be about the Delta variant?
UC Riverside experts share their thoughts

What UC Riverside scientists have to say about vaccines, variants, and antibodies
Immunity generated by vaccination is better than immunity from an actual infection, says an expert

Experts weigh in on whether COVID-19 is here to stay
C OVID-19 is far from beaten. Vaccines may not be the ultimate panacea to haul us out of the pandemic crisis. In the future, will outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, arrive in waves every winter? Might COVID-19 never go away? Experts at the University of California, Riverside...

Should we be double masking?
UC Riverside epidemiologist answers this and other questions in Q&A

Are people living with HIV more isolated during the pandemic?
A UC Riverside-led study, funded by Merck, is set to find out

School of Medicine faculty receive grants to increase diversity in biomedical sciences, study incentives in research, boost mental health treatment
Total funding of three grants exceeds $1.2 million

Epidemiologist answers questions on COVID-19 ranging from grocery store visits to wearing masks and gloves
Brandon Brown is an associate professor in the Center for Healthy Communities in the School of Medicine

Epidemiologist answers common questions about coronavirus
Brandon Brown is an associate professor in the School of Medicine at UC Riverside