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Goldwater scholars Shayan Saeed and Ryan Gates; and U.S. Fulbright scholars Jacqueline Aguirre de la O and Zehra Qazi are recipients of two of the nation’s most prestigious awards. The Barry M. Goldwater Scholarship is one of the country’s most competitive honors in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields...
More than 7,100 students are eligible to graduate; Commencement events kick off on June 3 with the School of Medicine.
Growing up in South Central L.A. meant ditching school, becoming a teen mom, and wrestling with her identity as an Afro-Latina — experiences that made this UCR student want to major in public policy.
Immunity generated by vaccination is better than immunity from an actual infection, says an expert
C OVID-19 is far from beaten. Vaccines may not be the ultimate panacea to haul us out of the pandemic crisis. In the future, will outbreaks of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, arrive in waves every winter? Might COVID-19 never go away? Experts at the University of California, Riverside...
This week, more than 200 leaders from across the United States helped launch Census Legacies, a new community-building effort by the Center for Social Innovation at UC Riverside with partners in philanthropy, government, and community. The initiative aims to build more inclusive and equitable regions, using the same messengers and...
The news arrived Monday that the world has been awaiting since spring: a vaccine has been developed that shows a high degree of efficacy in late-stage trials: 90%. That puts it in the company of effective vaccines such as for measles, and well beyond what the medical community hoped for...
Unique effects of police violence create a public health crisis for communities most affected
A report from the UC Riverside Center for Social Innovation finds disproportionately high discipline for Black and Native American students in Inland Empire schools. “These racial disparities persist, even though there have been some notable reductions in overall suspension rates due to changes in state policy and local practices,” reads...
A quarter of Californians lack meaningful access to the internet at home; here’s why that matters, and how to fix it
A UC Riverside medical sociologist offers five strategies for combating misinformation and strengthening public health
UC Riverside’s 66th commencement will be a virtual celebration on Sunday, June 14. Meet some of the 2020 graduates.
A list of available resources during this time of uncertainty.
Research suggests destigmatizing mental illness in schools could increase the likelihood of treatment-seeking for youth who need it
A team of UCR water economists finds certain types of water conservation could have unintended consequences
Still, UC Riverside researchers warn that without action, the sector’s recent gains could be undone by COVID-19
In a two-county region at risk of an undercount, grassroots momentum has grown to ensure participation in the 2020 census
Sociologist Richard M. Carpiano weighs in on some of the less obvious ways COVID-19 could restructure life as we know it
Racially inflammatory speech by political elites can embolden members of the public to express their own prejudice
Ahead of census, UCR-based research initiative offers resource to better understand fastest-growing racial groups in U.S.