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Diversity and the Oscars The 93rd Academy Awards are scheduled for Sunday, April 25, 2021. Experts from the University of California, Riverside are available to discuss various Academy Awards topics, including diversity, acting, gender, culture, and more. For fast access to experts, email Courtney R. Baker, associate professor, Department...
UC Riverside has several experts who can comment on certificates of immunity or "vaccine passports."
Anti-Asian Racism and Violence For fast access to experts, email . Carol Kwang Park, PhD student in ethnic studies Carol is a researcher at the Young Oak Kim Center for Korean American Studies and Asian American studies doctoral student with UCR’s Department of Ethnic Studies. Park co-authored “Korean Americans...
Experts on Black Lives Matter For fast access to experts, email Michelle C. Burroughs: director of community engagement and outreach for the Center for Healthy Communities. Burroughs is involved with the CHC’s engagement with the community focusing on the Black Lives Matter movement as well as social inequities. She...
Experts on DACA For fast access to experts, email On Dec. 4, a federal judge restored the rights afforded undocumented immigrants eligible for the Obama-era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA program. The program had been in a state of suspension throughout the Trump presidency. U.S. District Judge...
For fast access to experts, email Haizhou Liu, associate professor of chemical and environmental engineering. Professor Liu works to discover new and improved methods of removing impurities from drinking water and ensuring the safety of our water supply. Liu can speak to the difference between chloramine and chlorine, and...
Heat Waves For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Robert Allen, assistant professor of climatology. Allen uses climate models in his research and can talk to reporters about how such models can improve our understanding of climate change. “Several observational studies...
Coronavirus For fast access to experts, email John Barton, a ssistant professor of physics A computational biophysicist, he has extensive experience studying viral evolution and uses various methods to predict how different mutations affect viral replication. Contact: Brandon Brown, professor and epidemiologist in the School of Medicine Brown...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email SATs/standardized tests Stephen Brint: Distinguished professor of Sociology. Brint has written articles and books on standardized testing and its role in higher education. He is especially interested in solving education inequalities associated with racial...
For fast access to experts, email Aging Ilana Bennett: Assistant professor of psychology. Effects of healthy aging and dementia on the brain and cognition; learning and memory in aging; neuroimaging markers of aging. Brandon Brown: Associate professor, Center for Healthy Communities: HIV and aging. Richard M. Carpiano...
Wildfires For fast access to experts, email Nicolas Barth, assistant professor of geology Barth’s research interests span many aspects of geology, though his main research endeavors to improve understandings of active faults and the evolution of landscapes. Barth can speak to the landscape response after a fire, slides and...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Salton Sea Emma Aronson: Associate professor of microbiology and plant pathology. Microbiome of the Salton Sea; microbial ecology of dust; wind- transported microorganisms; environmental microbiology; soil microbial ecology. Roya Bahreini: Associate professor of...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Psychiatry and mental health Ann Cheney: Assistant professor, Center for Healthy Communities. Structural inequalities in mental health; substance use and mental health; Latino immigrant mental health. Takesha Cooper: Assistant clinical professor. Pediatric mental...
Stroke For fast access to experts, email Byron Ford: Professor of biomedical sciences. Developing neuregulin-1 (NRG1) as a treatment in clinical trials for stroke; neuroscience; cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of stroke and acute brain injuries. Lama Al-Khoury: Associate clinical professor. Stroke; stroke prevention; headaches...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Experts on Chemicals David Eastmond, professor emeritus of cell biology and toxicology Eastmond’s expertise comes from years of research and teaching. He has participated on a variety of expert panels related to chemical mutagenesis...
Experts on Measles and Vaccines For fast access to experts, email Richard Carpiano, professor of public policy Professor of public policy and sociology. Medical sociology; social determinants of health; vaccination and misinformation related to vaccines; behavioral and attitudinal factors underlying child vaccination uptake (and refusal or delay) in the...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Trade Jana Grittersova: Associate professor of political science. Sources of government reputation in international markets, international banking, the effects of interest groups on the credibility of international monetary and financial commitments, the role of...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email The environment and climate change Robert J. Allen, associate professor of earth sciences Professor Allen can speak to climate change modeling and the impact of climate change on precipitation. Allen’s expertise includes forecasting precipitation...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Gun violence and gun policy Steven Clark, Emeritus professor of psychology Clark has done extensive research on eyewitness memory and identification and has consulted with law enforcement and defense and prosecuting attorneys. Serves on...
For fast access to experts, TEXT or call the 24-hour-experts hotline at 951-312-3049, or email Immigration Cecilia Ayón: Associate professor of public policy. Economic, social, and health effects of discrimination; how hostile policy climates contribute to higher stress levels among immigrant communities, particularly those living in Arizona. Alfonso...